Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mackenzie House - Doors Open Toronto

During "Doors Open Toronto", I couldn't resist visiting this little (haunted) historic house of Toronto's 1st mayor, Sir William Lyon Mackenzie....

Hope you had a great weekend as well! :)


  1. I love old houses like that! If you ever go to Pioneer Village, in one of the houses in a bedroom, there is a painting of a girl and she looks exactly like me. It's effin creepy. When are we going?!

  2. omg:
    put it in the calendar. we're going.

  3. mishkebob/Michelle: I wanna go during the day so I can take photos, puuhhleze!!!
    Eeek re All Hallows Eve - meee scrrrrd! ;D

  4. how cool! those houses look so beautiful and inspiring!
    I wish they had something like this in Helsinki too!

  5. Dream house!!! Ohhh my this house O_O I wish i lived there >_<

    Beautiful photos! xxx

  6. Polly: Grazie, P! :)
    Yes, I really like the "doors open" concept because there so many places to discover that you don't normally visit/have access to on a regular basis. :D

    Tilly: Heehee, minus the haunted part, I hope! ;)

    Thank you for your liking the photos and for visiting! :D

  7. Looks beautiful. So many great details. And how exciting with ghosts :)!

  8. AHH! Ghost stories scare me!!! I am so sad! I didn't even know it was doors open last weekend! I so would have gone to see something!

  9. I knew you would appreciate this house! I'm glad I didn't see any ghosts - I'm a big chicken! ;)

    Celine: Awww, it's ok - you can go next year! I bet Eloise would love it! heehee ;)

  10. Omg, this looks like a place where i would spend a lot of time taking pictures of :D

  11. querido diário/Sara: I wish you were there with me! Yes, you would've been *clicking* away! ;)
