Thursday, July 5, 2012


It's a lovely feeling when you paint something that makes you happy, and somebody purchases it. As I wrap up the package and draw up the card, I often wonder who the person receiving the package is like and what their reaction is when they open it up.

Farewell Sami Tastebuds...have a safe journey to America!

And now it's time for a little celebration...

Almond and Strawberry Rhubarb gelato!



  1. it's so lovely that you are preparing for them a special card also, drawing it on the spot! they will be really happy with it, whoever they are! :-)

    p.s. STRAWBERRY RHUBARB? *_____*

  2. So happy to hear that the store is going well! Definitely a cause for celebration! I know they are going to a good home.

  3. Polly: I sure hope so, Polly!
    YES - I can't get enough of gelato lately... *_*

    Celine: Awww, thank you. Slowly but surely I think... Please give kisses to Eloise! ;) xoxo

    Britt-Marie Oskarsson: Tusen tack!
    (I wish there was a side of wild strawberry cake to go with it! heehehehheeeee) ;)

  4. kitchu: Thank you so much! :D
    I just sold another set, so I've got to start painting more of these! ;)

  5. Candy Pop/Natasha: Awww, yay! :D
    Hope you're having a wonderful Summer! xoxo

  6. mmmmm icecream!
    and that package looks very nice!

  7. mieke willems: We all scream for ice cream! Yum! ;)

    Thank you for sayin' so - means alot! :*
